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Robomongo .rar Windows Torrent X64


This is a tutorial on how to download and install robomongo for windows 7 32-bit iso. Firstly, visit the robomongo website. Secondly, select "Download Windows (.exe)". You will need to choose which version of windows you are using - either Windows 8 or 7. Click on your choice button and download the setup file. Thirdly, once downloaded, double-click on the installation file to start installing it. Follow all the prompts until installation has finished successfully. The program will be installed in C:\\Program Files\\RoboMongo\\RoboMongo\\. Click "Finish" when prompted by the installer window that pops up after installation has completed successfully. Fourthly, a C:\\Program Files\\RoboMongo\\RoboMongo\\ directory will be created. This is the folder that holds the robomongo program. To start it, just locate the RoboMongo executable file within that directory and double-click on it to run the program. The first time you run it, RoboMongo will prompt you to select a database server type. Select "Local Server", and then click "OK". RoboMongo will now load up with your local mongodb installation. RoboMongo is now ready to use. To see how robomongo works, I created a test database with the fictitious "TestDatabase" name. A user “admin” with the password “admin” called up to perform a bulk update of all users in my database. I simply ran the following commands:This will only update the TestDatabase's records if there are records that meet all of the criteria that I entered into it within the test database's "testrun" command. It updates every record that passes the criteria, unless there are no records at all, which is why it gave me an error because my testrun contains no entries at all. Clicking on the "Execute" button will run the bulk update and display its progress. Clicking on the "Stop" button will stop any execution that is currently in progress. Clicking on the "History" tab will show you all of your past executed commands, and clicking on "Show Logs" will open up a browser window showing you what data got updated.Its important to note that RoboMongo is not limited to just updating documents in mongodb. It can also query, run commands, and view logs for your database, all from one location. This is useful for managing a large database, as you can perform all of your operations from RoboMongo. RoboMongo makes it easy to navigate through your database, and query it for information. Just click on the "Queries" tab from the main window. You can then select the type of query that you wish to run against your database, and choose a criteria against which to search for records based on a phrase within a document or based on a specific type of document. It's also possible to configure other options for your database, such as how it will be backed up, configured for replication or failover, etc. cfa1e77820


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